Body Image Betrayal & Related Issues LLC

Support Group Closure

In 2020, as the world was shutting down for the pandemic, Robert & I identified a need in our community to allow access to eating disorder support groups in the Columbus area in a safe, virtual environment.

We took that need and reopened BIBRI.

Fast forward to 2024, and access to virtual groups has become much easier. With that in mind, we have made the very difficult decision to close the BIBRI Groups until further notice. Right now, Robert and I are trying to find a balance between our family, our work, our volunteer efforts, and our rest time.

BIBRI will always have a very special place in our hearts, and we may decide to reopen in the future. For now, we need to step back and catch some breaths while we see what our next steps will be. Please see the links below for virtual support group resources and remember to stay strong in your recovery.

It has been our honor and joy to walk this journey with so many individuals. To those who have referred individuals to our group, thank you for entrusting us to be a guide to them. To those who have joined us over the years, a special THANK YOU for being open to vulnerability and recovery. I have learned much from you over these last 4 years. I hope that each of you remember that you are never alone on your recovery journey and that recovery IS possible.

What's New?



Support Groups :

The LAST Support Group for family and friends will be April 15 @ 6:30pm.

The LAST Support Group for those who are struggling with an eating disorder, will be April 22 @ 6:30pm.

There are several groups that may offer you inspiration and support as you continue in recovery:

Eating Recovery Center:

Weekly Groups for all individuals and specific groups for LGBTQ+, Adults +30, College Studens/Early Adult, and Families & Community.

National Alliance for Eating Disorders:

Virtual Groups for all individuals Additional specific groups for Pro-Recovery, LBGTQ? & Pro-Recovery, and For Loved Ones.

National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders (ANAD):

Virtual Groups for all indiviuals and family and friends.
Also offers focused groups for LGBTQ+, BIPOC, Siblins, Men, Caregivers, Teens, Older Adults, and others:

National Eating Disorders Association:

While they do not offer groups, they do maintain an extensive list of both in person and virtual groups through the United State.

Our mission is to connect those struggling with an eating disorder, and their family and friends, with the information and help they need to not just understand and cope with the disease, but RECOVER.

We know first hand that recovery is possible and we are dedicated to helping others find their path to recovery as well.

As an eating disorder survivor, Wendy understands the frustration and difficulty of asking for and finding the right help.

Her 18 years of experience as a psychological administrative professional provides extensive knowledge and expertise understanding and navigating mental health benefits and networking with various clinicians and other resources.

Together with her husband Robert, the BIBRI organization was founded to help those struggling with eating disorders find their path to recovery.

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Assisting those who struggle with body image and eating disorders has been a passion of mine since 1994 when I began volunteering as a support group leader for an online website, and subsequently became a public speaker on eating disorders and trauma, including presenting at The Renfrew Conference.